CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — Summer Bischoff just graduated from Veterans Memorial High School. While juggling schoolwork and extracurricular activities, Bischoff still found time to write a children's book, called "Hurry Hurry!"
"This book is about a little girl named Summer who is always in a hurry to get to the next fun thing," Bischoff said.

As you may have guessed, Bischoff said she drew inspiration for her book from the daily hustle and bustle of her own life.
"I may or may not always be in a hurry to get to the next fun thing," Bischoff said.
Bischoff adds that the book has a very specific message for children.
"I find myself running around, trying to get to the next fun thing. But I learned that you need to slow down sometimes and make sure that you're enjoy those moments with your family. So this is important to me and I want to help other kids see that importance as well," Bischoff said.
KRIS 6 Reporter Tony Jaramillo asked Bischoff if she had any idea she would be writing this book at the beginning of her senior year.
"I did not, no. Obviously I came into senior year focusing on academics, getting involved with extracurriculars and [to] do my best. And it wasn't until I was hurrying to school one day that I came up with this idea," Bischoff said.
The new author is headed to Texas A&M in College Station this fall to study business, but said she will not put her pen down.
"I also do want to find the time to write more. Because I love writing. It gets me excited. Some may the phrase, "bubbling with joy," and that's what's comes to mind when I think about writing, publishing," Bischoff said.

Bischoff has one hope for those who read her book.
"Never be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and to reach for the unknown because anything is possible," she said.
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