CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Texas Sealife Center of Corpus Christi prepared for any intake of turtles during the cold front.
When water temperatures reach below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, sea turtles get lethargic and no longer can swim. They do not produce their own body heat which causes many issues with their proper metabolic function.
According to a Facebook post on the Texas Sealife Center as of Monday, a total of 67 cold-stunned turtles have been rescued. The facility's goal is to maintain them warm and healthy.
The turtles have been placed in a heated tank.
TSC is asking to keep an eye out and are any stranded or stunned sea turtles to please call 1-866-TURTLE-5.
They are also accepting donations for the care of the animals at the facility if you would like to donateclick here.