CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — Gabriela Gamino, a Southside resident, described just how a low dip is affecting her vehicles.
"It scrapes the front end and the back end" Gamino said.

"My car definitely needs a ramp," Gamino said.
Gamino claimed she has been going back and forth with the city about this issue for 3 years.
"The dip is just getting bigger. And we have talked to the city. We’ve told them several times. They’ve come out a few times and it’s always the same story," Gamino said.
Now, she’s noticed her bigger vehicle is now close to scraping the street.

"But his truck, we noticed lately his truck is about 1-2 inches on the truck from the front end of the truck, getting ready to scrape right here on the hill," Gamino said.
Gamino added that the dip causes drainage issues right on the driveway area when it rains.

"We had over 100 gallons of water just sitting right here. Our dip is so deep that it comes from other homes as well. So everything is pooling into our driveway," Gamino said.
Per city ordinance, the homeowner is responsible for sidewalks. But what about the dip? KRIS 6 News reporter Tony Jaramillo spoke with Public Works Director Ernie De La Garza to clear up the responsibility of the dips.
"The adjacent landowner is responsible for maintenance of the curbs, the aprons, the sidewalks in front of their homes," De La Garza said.
De La Garza said the city’s rapid pavement program does not include work beyond the pavement. He added that public works has a small in-house concrete team that has a backlog of jobs like this. He said that anything more would have to be taken care of by city engineering and voted on.
"Unfortunately we have one team for 8 million linear feet of curb and sidewalk, so obviously we have a back log of these requests coming in, "De La Garza said.
De La Garza added that people should contact City Hall to find a town hall available to speak about possible bond programs..
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