CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — In a city of over 300,000 and growing, new developments are being seen across the South Side of Corpus Christi.
City Manager Peter Zanoni said there are around 1500 to 1600 new homes, but with the recent annexation of land into the city, that number could skyrocket in just a decade.
"The South Side of our city of Corpus Christi is our fastest growing corridor or area in the city," Zanoni said.
The growth is thanks to new land annexed by the city.
"Based on annexations, voluntary annexations, that have happened recently that have put a thousand acres into the city, there's a projection of over 10 thousand new homes in the future," he said.
With the growing number of people in the area, businesses have shifted - BKK Thai Kitchen opened its second location, Tannin's is headed to the south side as well, and new businesses include HTeaO and 7 Brew Coffee, to name a few.
"We do need to make some improvements in our new infrastructure, in our water and wastewater. Our growth that's coming is pretty spectacular, the strip centers, there is a higher quality design," he said.
Lynnae Zdansky is the co-owner of Blakely Rae Boutique at Staples Plaza. She, her co-owner, and her daughter have been at the location for just about a year. Zdansky says it is exciting to see so other businesses open next to her.
"One of the reasons my daughter and I chose this area over a year ago is because we saw the potential for the growth out here and the need for more boutique and small businesses on this side of town," Zdansky said.
Zanoni says the city has $20 million for development but says the city will get the money back in property tax with more development. He said the city is focusing on growth and new businesses, including some on the way to the downtown area.
A Costco could also possibly be in the works, coming alongside South Padre Island Drive.