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September deemed suicide prevention month for Texas

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CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS — September has been deemed a suicide prevention month in the State of Texas.

House Bill 39-80 requires experts to take a more comprehensive, strategic approach to suicide prevention.

State Representative Todd Hunter has joined forces with local educators in Corpus Christi.

Hunter will be hosting a suicide prevention symposium next week to discuss statewide and local efforts.

"The first thing is, let's start talking about it. I mean the more we shine light in the darkness, the better things get," Rep. Todd Hunter said.

Dr. Cissy Reynolds-Perez, the Assistant Superintendent West Oso Independent School District, says, "We are going to make strides here in the state of Texas because here in the state of Texas. Unfortunately, the rate of suicide is larger than the national rate."

The symposium is Monday, September 9, 2019, at the Del Mar's Economic Development Center.