CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — COVID-19 cases are on the rise across the country, and Nueces County is no exception. Several students have already been hospitalized due to COVID-19 and with the rise of the delta variant, Conrado Garcia with West Oso ISD is concerned with the rise in cases.
"I've got to do what's right and you know what, the governor will do what's right," he said. "Eventually by looking at data and looking at the sentiment of what people feel right now."
Garcia said that students and staff should be wearing masks daily throughout the school year.
"Monday night I am going to recommend to the board of trustees that all of our students and staff wear masks to schools every day," he said. "This delta virus is spreading too quickly."
Although this is a recommendation, Garcia hopes that Governor Greg Abbott will change his mind and do the right thing. Nancy Vera with the Corpus Christi Federation of Teachers also believes Abbott should reinstate a mask mandate for schools.
"We think that children come first, our families come first and Governor Abbott should make this a priority of day one because school is around the corner," she said.
Premont ISD says they will be offering remote learning despite state funding for grades K-6 until there is a vaccine available for children under 12. You can view their full letter below.

Sinton ISD sent us their COVID-19 contingency plan. You can view it by clicking here.
Corpus Christi ISD released their back-to-school plan and is asking for community feedback. You can find all the details here.