The City of Corpus Christi sent out a tweet yesterday that says developers are currently building new homes on North Beach for future residents.
Residents and realtors are expecting property values to rise.
“I do see a lot of people driving around in cars and looking at for sale signs,” said North Beach Community Association’s Carrie Meyer said.
She says there is a lot of the buzz surrounding the new development projects.
"I think that the word on the street over on the other side of the bridge is finally people are starting to look at North Beach and say wow, North Beach,” she said. “Whereas before they were kind of like not that impressed with it."
In The Harbors community directly across the canal from the big project, there are over a dozen lots for sale.
Bill Ibarra has been listing properties on North Beach for 20 years.
He told me that, over a decade ago, these canal lots were going for a high price.
"All of the lots were selling in 2008 at over a $100,000 each," the Paradise Real Estate broker said. “I expect property values are going to increase and increase very quickly."
And that is something Meyer has seen with her own property.
“Once we solve the drainage and elevation issues here, which we are working on right now,” Meyer said. “Through digging the canal, this is going to be the place to live."
Realtors tell us the average price for an empty lot on the canal is currently $65,000.
That canal project is expected to be finished in five years.