CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — If you have been wanting to add a furry family member, now is a perfect time to adopt Clyde (A344155).
Corpus Christi Animal Control Services staff said Clyde is a big teddy bear and he is looking for a loving family.
"Clyde originally came into our care in February, but unfortunately, he was involved in a minor biting incident and has been at the shelter since March 28, 2022," said CCACS staff.
He can be high-energy but very friendly, according to the staff from CCACS.
"Clyde sometimes does not understand how big he is and can become a little mouthy; however, if corrected, he can learn to calm down a little bit," added staff.
When Clyde was in the 'Dogs Play for Life' program at the CCACS facility, he was a gentle and dainty dog who preferred to look out the fence and smell things rather than play with other dogs.
Staff says Clyde did well with both male and female dogs during playtime.
Stop by and visit Clyde and other wonderful shelter pets Monday through Saturday from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Corpus Christi Animal Services at 2626 Holly Rd.
Contact the CCACS staff for more information at 361-826-4600 or at