

New health therapy tool 'Level 2' helps type 2 diabetic patients

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A popular health care company has developed a new tool for those who have type 2 diabetes to help live a healthy lifestyle.

It’s called ‘Level 2’ and the new digital health therapy tool was developed by United Healthcare with many goals associated such as tracking type 2 diabetes, COVID-19, and achieving remission.

According to health doctors, about 5 billion dollars have been invested with research with type 2 diabetes. 22% of Americans have some type of trackers, and with the global pandemic, folks who have type 2 are 12 times likely to face complications.

“We began to scratch our heads when we saw that the prevalence of diabetes, as well as the cost to care for someone with someone with diabetes, has been increasing at unprecedented and astronomical ways,” says CEO of Level 2 Dr. Amy Meister.

This is where Level 2 came to light and Meister says turning to science and technology is a game-changer. Meister has over 20 years of experience in studying medicine. Health professionals say the therapy tool can be seen as a home security system for your body.

“But things like stress worry concern not sleeping, not moving, can impact your blood sugar just as much,” said Meister.

The Level 2 device can be placed on your body and the realtime results can be uploaded to your smartphone. Dr. Mister says Level 2 can lead to positive results for those who have diabetes.

“But this gives people a new tool and just I tell you it’s so amazing to get a little win because once you have one little win it just generates a new sense of hope that yes I can be successful and I will get to a state of remission it’s just great,” says Dr. Amy Mister.

Physicians can take the data from diabetic patients and examine their diet which can help doctors decide what medicines to prescribe to patients.