CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Corpus Christi city leaders announced some new additions that are coming to the Corpus Christi International Airport.
Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo and members of the City Council authorized a $4.4 million construction contract that create new boarding bridges to the terminals at the airport.
According to city officials, the project is being 100% funded by federal grant dollars.
The funds were made available due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Boarding bridges are the long hallway-like structures that connect the plane to the terminal gate so that passengers can walk directly onto the plane.
Also, city leaders also gave initial approval for a construction contract for work on an airport runway and various taxiways.
City leaders reported the $2.6 million projects will extend the life of Runway 13-31 by removing rubber from the surface, applying crack sealant and coal tar, and applying new pavement markings critical to the safe navigation of aircraft at CCIA.
The project will also include the milling of some taxiways to be followed by overlay applications.