A series of unfortunate events has left Aransas Pass residents without water.
Aransas Pass Public Works Director Fernando Quintanilla said Thursday that a contractor working with the gas company on Wheeler Ave., near McCampbell and Whitney in the city's center, hit a water main and caused an outage Wednesday afternoon. Public Works crews were dispatched to the area, where the broken line was shooting pressurized water. The line was fixed, and water restored at 3 a.m. Thursday.
At about 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Public Works received another call from the same site. The pressurized water spurting from the previous day reportedly caused the ground to erode under the sidewalk and the sidewalk to buckle, causing the water main and a gas line to both break.
Quintanilla said there is no estimated repair time for the fixes, as of yet, because the gas company has to secure the area before a water crew can begin.