CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — All the focus has been on the coronavirus, but health officials are still monitoring flu cases across the country.
According to the c-d-c, flu activity has decreased for the third week in a row.
But how does the flu outbreak compare to the coronavirus outbreak?
Worldwide, the coronavirus has infected more than 100,000 people and claimed more than 3,400 lives.
In the United States alone, there have been 34 million confirmed cases of the flu this season.
At least 20 thousand people have died.
Locally, our flu numbers are also trending down.
Last week, there were 513 confirmed cases of the flu in Nueces County.
That’s down 12.8 percent from the previous week when 588 cases were reported.
"Right now we're still in the flu season, that is the most common thing we're seeing right now,” said Dr. Mary Dale Peterson, the Nueces County Medical Society’s spokesperson. "And it's amazing to me, we have a new virus that's out there that may, when we get all the data in be similar in its severance and ability to cause fatalities as the flu and yet people don't take advantage of already having a vaccine out there.”
There are no confirmed cases of coronavirus in the Coastal Bend, but the health department is monitoring two Corpus Christi residents for symptoms of the disease.
They had recently traveled to China.