The Knolle Dairy Farmshas been milking jersey cows since 1928.
On Wednesday, the farm announced on a Facebook post that there is a coffee shop in the Coastal Bend area that is using their locally produced dairy.
Coffee Waves agreed to use the grass-fed milk at not one, but three of their locations.
Owner Joe Knolle said the company has approached many coffee shops before, but most of them don't even give them the time of day.
“This is huge for us, as most businesses are just looking for the absolute cheapest ingredients that they can find,” he said in the post.
Although many coffee shops have shut the idea down, Knolle said he is determined to offer the best quality milk — with or without support.
The farm has been around for more than 90 years, he said, and feels like it is an obligation to keep fresh locally produced milk in the area.
It now can be added to any of the signature products at Coffee Waves.
"The customer is getting a richer and creamy product," Knolle said.
You can find the milk at the Coffee Waves' locations in Port Aransas, at Cinnamon Shore, and Flour Bluff.
“Please, make an effort to go out and support these types of businesses that actually go out of their way to use real local dairy products in their operations,” he said in the post.
Coffee Waves said in a separate post that it is very excited to offer the farm's high-quality milk as an option, so next time you are at one of the locations, make sure you ask about the milk.
"It means a lot to us . . . It is our honor to be able to locally produce milk, and provide our product to the South Texas community," he said.
To learn what locations Knolle offers their productsclick here.