CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A local 7-year-old angler has received recognition from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for catching a massive blue catfish on Lake Corpus Christi.
“The moment I started rolling it in, it was so heavy I almost lost it but I kept on going," Aubrie said.
She has been fishing with her dad since she was 3. Fred Guerra, Aubrie's dad, said he teaches his daughter patience and Aubrie said that is what prepared her to catch the fish.
But it didn't take all that long for Aubrie to catch the catfish. They said it only took about 10 minutes for her to reel it in.
A video shared by Fred Guerra, shows Aubrie Mia Guerra reeling in the beast Jan. 19.
Texas Parks and Wildlife awarded Aubrie with the "Big Fish Award," in the junior angler division, which means the fish met or exceeded the minimum length requirements for the specific kind of fish.

Aubrie's catch measured in at about 44 inches and was estimated to weigh about 50 pounds, but the official size and weight have not been released yet.
“It was the fish of a lifetime! We joke. We think we’ve ruined fishing for her because problem is I think she’s going to be expecting a 50-pound catfish every time she goes out there again," Fred Guerra said.

Aubrie said her favorite part about fishing is that she gets to spend time with her dad.
“I love to hear her say things like that because it makes me feel like I’m doing my job," Fred Guerra said.
The Big Fish award is part of the TPWD's Angler Recognition Awards Program, which maintains state record lists for public and private waters and water body records for all public lakes, rivers, and bays. You can submit your own catch here.