CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The pandemic has affected many in the Coastal Bend, but for those living on the streets, it could be especially challenging.
Luckily, Mother Teresa’s Shelter in Corpus Christi is willing to help with breakfast and lunch everyday during the week, and have also provided other COVID-19 resources.
The shelter’s operations supervisor, Sister Rency Moonjely, said they want to help the homeless because they might not have anywhere else to turn.
“We want to help these people otherwise they have no place to go nowhere. That’s the reason we opened this shelter for them. I know there’s a pandemic going on really bad but still we open for them,” Moonjely said.
The shelter said they also provided free COVID-19 vaccinations through CHRISTUS Spohn twice. They also said they provided free testing at one point and none of their patrons tested positive.
“That’s a great blessing from God, you know, to work with the homeless people,” Moonjely said.
Now the shelter is requiring its patrons to be vaccinated against COVID to use their facilities in the main room and the shower room.
They are also enforcing social distancing by limiting the amount of people at a table and requiring everyone in their facilities to wear masks.
Marylou Sanchez is one of the shelter’s patrons and said she goes to the shelter because family drama forced her onto the streets.
She said she doesn’t get any sort of government assistance, so she turned to the shelter to get a few resources.
“There’s no excuse for anybody to be homeless in this world, no excuse,” she said.
Sanchez said she’s lucky to have the shelter because she’s tired of being out on the streets.