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Leave No Trace: Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve reminds visitors not to litter

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The holidays are here, and with COVID-19 more prevalent than ever, many families are choosing to spend their time together outside and socially distanced from others.

Family holiday photos outdoors are a wonderful way to celebrate the season, but after finding plastic snow littered on their trails, the Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve and Learning Centerwants to remind visitors to be mindful of the trash they leave behind.

Things like fake snow and confetti can be harmful to the animals who live on the preserve, and it also creates a mess for both visitors and park staff.

Lisa Oliver, superintendent of community relations & engagement for Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation, said this is a teachable moment, and wants to educate visitors on how to be good stewards when visiting the nature preserve.

They encourage visitors to follow the “seven principles of leave no trace” when visiting any outdoor area. You can find out how to “leave no trace" when taking your next outdoor outing HERE.