CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The countdown to midnight has begun and many people are getting ready to celebrate the new year. However, police have some advice: don't let your celebration lead to a costly mistake.
An arrest doesn't just mean spending time behind bars. You could also be facing some hefty fines. So it's better to be safe than sorry, and that's the message the Corpus Christi Police Department is trying to get out.
Probably the most common complaint tonight will be fireworks. If you're caught setting them off inside city limits, you'll be paying plenty of bucks for your bang.
It's a fine of $2,000 for each opened package of fireworks in your possession.
Another more dangerous New Year's tradition is people firing off guns when it hits midnight. If you're caught doing that in city limits, be ready to do some jail time, and be prepared to pay a fine of up to $4,000.
The biggest concern tonight will be drunk drivers. You're looking at some serious jail time if you're arrested. Plus, fines for a DWI arrest start at $2,000. That doesn't include court costs, lawyer fees and a license suspension you'll be facing.
Also, if you plan on celebrating at home, be sure to keep the noise to a minimum. A noise complaint can lead to a Class C misdemeanor, which comes with a fine of up to $500.
So to avoid all these fines, it's important to have a plan in place.
"What we're looking for is everybody to be smart, have a plan, and have a good time, and get home safe, and nobody get hurt, " said Travis Pace, a public information officer for the Corpus Christi Police Department. "That's what we're looking for tonight and we hope we achieve that goal. And with the cooperation of the public I think we can get there."