CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Janet F. Harte Public Library located at 2629 Waldron Rd. will close beginning Saturday, Aug. 31, for air conditioning repairs.
The library will reopen when the work is done. The City of Corpus Christi did not release an end date for the project, but the library’s book drop stay open for items to be returned.
Patrons can call 361-826-7055 to check on the project's status. While repairs take place, the city encourages citizens to visit one of the five other public library locations throughout the city. They are:
La Retama Central, 805 Comanche Street
Garcia Public Library, 5930 Brockhampton Street
McDonald Library, 4044 Greenwood Drive
Neyland Public Library, 1230 Carmel Parkway
Hopkins Public Library, 3202 McKinzie Street