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Ex-district court judge Guy Williams upset by courthouse treatment

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Former District Court Judge Guy Williams, who’s had multiple run-ins with the law recently, says he's unhappy with the way he's being treated at the Nueces County Courthouse.

Williams says he's been denied a lawyer's badge for the courthouse.

Courthouse employees and lawyers are issued badges in order to bypass the courthouse's security checkpoint.

Anyone without a badge has to walk through a metal detector and have what they're carrying x-rayed.

Williams filed Freedom of Information requests to find out why he was denied a pass. He’s threatening to sue if the county doesn't answer soon.

We’ll have more coming up this evening on KRIS 6 News.

Last week, Williams told KRIS 6 News he plans on running for a district court bench in 2020, but hasn't said which of the three courts with expiring terms he'll run for.