CORPUS CHRISTI — Several drivers on Corpus Christi’s southside claimed bullets were responsible for their broken car windows and windshields.
The claims came after police said they received reports that two cars were hit in Flour Bluff during and after Halloween night.
“All of a sudden I heard a loud bang, a pop and then I heard my back windshield shatter,” a woman who wanted to remain anonymous said during a phone interview.
KRIS 6 has decided to call her Julie.
Julie said on October 19th around 3:30 p.m. she was on in the turning lane of South Staples about to take a left onto Yorktown Blvd.
“My son turned around and he was like, ‘Mama something hit our window,” she said.
She pulled into the stripes on the corner.
“I looked at my back windshield and I saw a bullet hole and I was like ‘Oh my gosh’ and that’s when I started freaking out and I called police,” Julie said.
Julie said she also posted on the Next Door app.
“Multiple people emailed me and told me that the exact same things happened to them,” she said.
Julie and another viewer, who said the same thing happened to him at that intersection, gave KRIS 6 their case numbers and one other near Glen Oak.
Police said ,in each case, there was no indication that a bullet struck the cars or the windows, a detective has not been assigned in either of the cases, and none of the three are connected.
Julie said she is a gunowner and has a friend in the Texas Ranger’s who said it was a bullet that went through her back windshield.
“Especially now that you’ve got those incidents that are happening in Flour Bluff too,” Julie said.
On November 2, CCPD posted on their blotter about reports of shots fired at cars along Flour Bluff Drive. One was on the 2600 block of Flour Bluff Drive on Halloween night and one the next night on Flour Bluff Drive and Glenoak.
Police said bullet casings were found on scene on Halloween night and a ball bearing type projectile was found at the scene of the next day’s incident.
“Whether it’s a BB gun or not, you shouldn’t be shooting at cars,” James Williams said.
Williams lives nearby and says he used to go through the intersection of Flour Bluff Drive and Glenoak to take his daughter to her soccer games and that’s the way his wife used to go to work.
“Now we have to go this way around to avoid that area,” Williams said. “We don’t even wanna avoid driving on that corner anymore. It’s just one of those safety concerns I don’t want my children to be involved.”
Another neighbor, who didn’t want to go on camera, said he noticed a police unit patrolling that intersection in the evenings.