CORPUS CHRIST, Texas — The status of the Yorktown Mud bridge. last week's cold weather put a stop to the repairs.
But Wednesday morning crews were back out taking a look at the damage.
Assistant city manager Neiman young said a barrier to the bridge washed away a few years ago and since then the water has caused some of that foundation to erode.
So far, at least 22 structure pilings will need to be replaced because of corrosion.
That's what keeps the bridge standing.
"TxDOT has agreed to come down and do a peer review and will help us make the determination on if it's cost-effective to go ahead and repair the bridge or if it's cost-effective to go and have it replaced," Young said.
If there's too much damage, then a new bridge will be on its way faster than the city's original 2026 deadline.
It's still unclear when the bridge will be back open.
Drivers must use an alternate route around Yorktown boulevard.