CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The City of Corpus Christi is hosting five informational meetings to help citizens better understand the proposed 2019-2020 fiscal-year budget, with staff on-hand to answer questions. The meetings will take place from 6-7 p.m. on the following dates:
District 1: Monday, Aug. 12 at Owen Hopkins Library, 3202 McKinzie Rd.
District 2: Thursday, Aug. 15 at Lindale Senior Center, 3135 Swantner St.
District 3: Wednesday, Aug. 14 at Ben F. McDonald Library, 4044 Greenwood Dr.
District 4: Monday, Aug. 19 at Ethel Eyerly Senior Center, 654 Graham Rd.
District 5: Thursday, Aug. 22 at Dr. Clotilde P. Garcia Library, 5930 Brockhampton St.
In addition, the city Council will hold two public hearings on the tax rate, and one public hearing on the proposed budget. The hearings are scheduled during the regular City Council meeting beginning at 11:30 a.m. in council chambers on the following dates:
Property tax rate meeting: Tuesday, Aug. 27
Property tax rate: Tuesday, Sept. 10
Proposed budget hearing – Tuesday, Sept. 10
A copy of the proposed budget and a variety of related budget information can be found at [].