CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — We’ll soon know what the future of North Beach looks like.
The city council considers two major items for that area at today's meeting.
It includes the rescheduled public hearing and first vote to create a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone for North Beach.
According to a joint city-county workshop last week, that TIRZ could generate close to $40 million to reimburse a portion of development costs.
But before the TIRZ will come drainage.
The City Manager’s report includes a presentation on how to fix the decades-old drainage issues on North Beach.
There are several parties very interested in what this drainage report says.
The city ordered the study in July to find a solution to North Beach drainage.
Urban engineering came up with three options and will break down the process and costs associated with the project.
One of those options is a canal through North Beach.
Developer Jeff Blackard wants to turn that canal into the centerpiece of a Riverwalk-style attraction.
But will a canal be the choice?
We’ll let you know, coming up this evening, on KRIS 6 News.
And according to Blackard, tens of millions of dollars worth of development is ready to start on North Beach - if the council approves the TIRZ and green-lights the canal project.