CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS — Teachers and students may have experienced some issues with getting connected to their classes since going online. The CCISD technology department has been working hard to ensure that students, parents and teachers know who to contact and how to stay connected.
Director of instructional technology for CCISD Cary Perales says her department works with providing guidance and support to the teachers that are integrating technology in their curriculum and with helping students stay connected.
Some common issues that they have found are some parents have to take their technology with them to work and then students have to wait until the end of the day to log in to canvas. Giving them less time to do the same amount of work. Some teachers have been working around this, by assigning work that students can do throughout the day without a computer.
Another issue was some students could not log into zoom for live classes. If this problem arises, teachers will direct them to their canvas where they have step by step guidance on how to access their work for the day, and still participate online.
For those with no devices at all, the district is currently working with KEDT to record lessons for kinder first and second grade students. They air from 9 am - 1 pm, and are for those younger students who want to see their teacher but can't.
“Our number one goal is to make sure that everybody is connected in some way. The biggest issue is that they are not a one to one district so we have to find a way to make those connections,” said Director for instructional technology for CCISD Cary Perales.
“And we are making it all work for our students because we all know that they are the most important piece in all of this but we don’t want them to loose the ability to learn and be successful,” said Perales.
Perales said that there is on demand help where you can email the instructional technology support person if you are stuck or having issues. A member of the department should be able to give parents a response right away.
If you're still having issues, the district says to contact the teacher and let them know you are struggling.
The district has also set up two separate hotlines to help students & parents, one is specifically to help with username and password issues, the other for those who are having trouble connecting to their hotspots.
The parent support hotline is for username and passwords that's 361-696-4040. Technology services has created a hotline if you have trouble hooking up your hotspot 361-878-3903.