CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — Jason McCahan, the now two-term Nueces County Constable for Precinct 2, described his feelings waiting for election results Tuesday night.
"We had to wait for one poll to close, and then finally, we could celebrate. And then it was, 'Oh my God, it's over,'" McCahan said.

McCahan won by 67 votes. He spoke about why he thinks his constituents re-elected him.
"I think initially when I first started, I was out and about, really heavily involved in the community. I got my name out there. And that's what they wanted. They wanted community involvement. They didn't want that to change, and they didn't want any hiccups in the progress that we've made," McCahan said.
McCahan also pointed out a unique element that was implemented during his first term.
"I believe it was about three years ago we were approached about interest in having mental health deputies within our office respond to the county. So that was a big plus for us. It had never been done before in Nueces County that constable office had mental health officers," McCahan said.

KRIS 6 News reporter Tony Jaramillo asked McCahan what are some things the Constable's office could improve on during this next term.
"I think our patrols within the neighborhoods. Actually, seeing our cars in the neighborhoods. People stopping them and asking questions. Getting our deputies more involved not only in Flour Bluff but all of Precinct 2," McCahan said.
McCahan gave a message for those living in Precinct 2.
"Let's keep at it. Get us involved if you have issues. If you want an extra patrol, if you are going out of town if you want us to check on your house. We can do anything the regular police department does, barring tying up our deputies for months and months," McCahan said.
McCahan also stated that he plans to run again in 2028.
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