A 35-year-old male suspect is in custody after he was arrested after a standoff of about two hours with Corpus Christi Police at the Princess Apartments, 1001 N. Water St.
There were no injuries, police said.
The incident escalated after the suspect unsuccessfully attempted to abduct a 2-year-old girl in the apartment about 1 p.m. The young girl was not related to the suspect. The suspect lived with his girlfriend in another part of the apartment.
Officers wearing green tactical gear, appearing to be armed with rifles, could be seen on top of the building as they tried to apprehend the suspect.
They assumed their places on the roof about 2:30 p.m. The perpetrator appeared to have been cornered in a vestibule a floor above them. Police blocked off the area with yellow crime scene tape to keep other people away.
The standoff was averted with the arrest of the suspect shortly before 3:30 p.m. The man was unarmed and did not offer resistance when he was arrested, Corpus Christi deputy chief Mark Schauer said.
The suspect will be arrested for an assault on his girlfriend last night and “continuous family violence issues,” Schauer said.
“It’s a family violence kind of call where the outcome was him going ballistic, running down the hall and going into somebody else’s apartment,” Schauer said.
Police said the suspect had a history of family violence in other states and had been involved in an earlier incident with his family last night.
When the suspect was taken into custody, police found him in a tower atop the complex.
Some downtown streets were closed while police conducted operations in the area.
There’s no word yet on the suspect’s identity.
This is a developing story and more information will be reported as it becomes available.