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‘Back To Business’ Recovery Concert scheduled


The Coastal Bend United is pleased to present “Back To Business” Recovery Concert on Friday and Saturday, November 2 & 3, 2018 with a carnival November 2, 3 & 4.

The Coastal Bend United is comprised of six (6) area Chambers; Aransas Pass Chamber of Commerce, Ingleside Chamber of Commerce, Port Aransas Chamber of Commerce, Portland Chamber of Commerce, Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce and the United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce and together they have united to bring this event to the Coastal Bend. The Coastal Bend United “Back to Business” Recovery Concert will take place at the Community Park (Festival Grounds) in Aransas Pass, Tx, 200 E. Johnson Ave.

Live entertainment begins on Friday night at 6 p.m. with the Rotel & the Hot Tomatoes; 8 p.m.

The Last Bandoleros and 10 p.m. Derek Spence “A George Strait Tribute Band.” Saturday’s live entertainment begins at 6 p.m. with the Grupo Massore; 8 p.m. Los Palominos and 10 p.m. La Mafia.

Included in the event is Food Truck Alley. Attendees will have a variety of food choices from some of the finest food trucks in the area along with an area for vendors of sorts. A special commemorative T-Shirt will also be available for purchase.

A year after Hurricane Harvey made its way onto the Coastal Bend area we are still feeling the impact on our local businesses.

It will take years before our small businesses get back to providing the outstanding goods and services we have come to know and love, but we are confident that we are on the right course restoring our area back bigger, better, stronger than ever before.

Together, United we will help restore our communities Back to Business!