CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Celebrate your labor day weekend at the Art Center of Corpus Christi with some beer and your running shoes.
The run takes place Saturday, August 31, at 11 am.
"That's right- this race is HALF of a kilometer! You don't need to be a marathoner to participate – you should however, be a beer drinker (age appropriate). The race is run holding a pint of beer – go as fast as you can but don’t spill too much!"
You can register for the run at $30.
Runners who register will get a spot in the race, a souvenir cup, 2 craft beers (1 running & 1 reward), a bottle opener participation medal & TWO Saturday early admissions to the Arts Alive Festival.
There are a couple of rules for the race. Let's call them guidelines.
"THE GOAL: To finish the strenuous 546 foot race as quickly as possible while keeping your beer above the specified line on your cup (serious beer-leg coordination is required),"their event page says."The first 5 in each heat to finish the race AND with their beer above the line on the cup will move on to the championship! Those who finish with their beer below the line will not qualify."
Top 3 championship finishers get a hand crafted beer mug trophy, special prizes, and bragging rights. There will also be a prize for best costume!
Funds raised benefit the Art Center of Corpus Christi, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.