What is/was your profession? Are you now retired?
Deputy Sheriff with the Refugio County Sheriff Department. Not retired. What relevant experience can you bring to office? My extensive experience in county affairs from formerly being a Dispatcher, Correctional Officer, Sgt. Investigator, Lt. Narcotics Investigator, K-9 Instructor/Handler and many other aspects of the jobs I have fulfilled.
How have your life experiences prepared you for this position?
I’ve worked my way up from the bottom to where I am now.
Which problems would you address on your first day in office?
I would address what platform I’m running on and continue to stand by it. Dealing with the drug dealers and criminals in our county and educating our children and young adults about the dangers of illicit drugs.
What do you see as long-term issues which need to be addressed throughout your time in office?
Continuing to work year to year budget issues that will affect the department’s every day operations.
What is local government doing well right now that needs to be expanded further?
Communication between government officials and offices are doing well and getting better as time goes on.

What is/was your profession? Are you now retired?
We own a family business Tuttle's Grocery & Market Inc and I currently oversee the daily Operations.
What relevant experience can you bring to office?
I have been in public service for 17 Years, 5 years as a Volunteer FireFighter and 12 Years as a Law Enforcement Officer.
How have your life experiences prepared you for this position?
I have spent the majority of my life in the Operations side of our Family Business. The knowledge I have gained will allow me to organize and evolve the daily operations of the Sheriff's Office to best benefit the citizens of Refugio County.
Which problems would you address on your first day in office?
I believe a Local Law Enforcement Agency's first Duty is to the Citizens of its County. I plan to deploy the Officers back into the Communities to conduct a more proactive/Community Policing approach. I believe this style of Policing forms more of a trust between the Citizens and the Department. It has been from my experience that information is most definitely more freely shared and this benefits in multiple different ways, one in solving active cases more effectively and efficiently. Then in another, this information can be used as a preventive measure to stop incidents before they start or escalate into something more serious.
What do you see as long-term issues that need to be addressed throughout your time in office?
Organizing the daily operations of the department is a first. As an administrator you have to set forth duties/expectations as to what you expect from your team. By doing so this creates more consistent/effective daily operations amongst your team as well as a more consistent/effective service to your citizens.