CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Today is Election Day, and voting will be in full effect throughout Nueces County.
In order to vote in person on Election Day, you'll be asked to present a photo ID.
Accepted IDs include a Texas Driver's License or state-issued ID card, a Texas handgun license, a Military ID, or a passport.
Something else to know for voters aged 18 to 69 years, your ID can be expired for up to four years.
If you are 70 and older, the ID can be expired for any length of time and still be accepted.
Experts say to bring notes with you to help you fill out your ballot more easily.
According to the Texas Secretary of State's Office, "voters are allowed to bring written materials into voting stations to assist them in casting their ballot."
To avoid scams, the FBI reminds everyone there is no option to vote online or by text message.
Also, remember that if you get in line before the polls close, you can stay in line and cast your ballot.
In the event you feel you were the victim of voter intimidation, report it to the Department of Justice.
Take a look at the list of Nueces County Election Day Voting Centers :