CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — People have been expressing concerns about safety around City Hall for years.
That experience is motivating at-large council member Paulette Guajardo is motivating her to take action.
Guajardo says she left City Hall after a recent council meeting and watched as drugs were being sold just steps from the entrance.
She says for her... that was the last straw.
Guajardo says she's now working with the other council members, the city manager and the legal department to come up with solutions.
“This is our home, this is City Hall,” Guajardo said. “You take care of your largest investment, this is ours.”
She says new ordinances are an option, but "loitering laws" are often challenged as unconstitutional if the language isn't worded carefully.
Guajardo also wants to meet with RTA officials as well as stripes representatives to form some kind of partnership to make the neighborhood safer.
“The three entities together can work towards cleaning up the area and making it a better place for everyone, eliminate the threat to public safety,” Guajardo said.
Guajardo told KRIS 6 News that tolerating something that isn’t right is the same as cultivating it.
She says it's time to stop tolerating what happens around City Hall.
Guajardo also says she'd like to start having meetings within the next couple of weeks.