

What exactly does a shelter in place mean?

What will a stay-at-home order mean?
Judge Barbara Canales
Posted at 9:58 PM, Mar 24, 2020
and last updated 2020-03-24 23:36:28-04

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Over the weekend, Governor Greg Abbott said it’s up to city and county municipalities in Texas to decide on issuing a shelter-in-place order. A number of cities and counties across the state have issued one, to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

With ten confirmed cases of COVID-19 here in Nueces County, it’s not a matter of if one will be issued. According to County Judge Barbara Canales, it’s a matter of when and how long the order will last.

But what does a shelter-in-place, otherwise known as stay-at-home order mean?

Other cities like Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and Waco have all issued this order. In those cities, it means residents must stay at home, except to make trips that are essential.

For example, you can still go grocery shopping, pick up medicine, get gas, see a doctor and pick up food at local restaurants.

What is non essential? That means there should be no gatherings at homes except for people that live there. Plus, non-essential business will close their doors, and the employees will have to work from home.

Essential businesses will stay open, like health, safety, transportation and construction businesses.

Judge Canales told KRIS 6 News she’s vetting the stay-at-home process, and will make an announcement soon.