


and last updated

10/4 updates:

5:24 p.m. - Nueces County officials report no new local COVID-19 deaths for a third consecutive day. The county's current pandemic-wide fatality total remains at 419 on Sunday.

The county reports seven new cases on Sunday, upping Nueces County's pandemic-wide COVID case total to 20,696. The county reports that 2,806 COVID patients have been hospitalized during the pandemic, including 67 currently in the hospital and 30 of those in intensive care. The county indicates that 19,966 COVID-19 patients have recovered.

10/3 updates:

5:20 p.m. - Nueces County officials report no new local COVID-19 deaths for the second consecutive day. The county's current pandemic-wide fatality total remains at 419.

The county reports 28 new cases, pushing the local COVID-19 case total to 20,689 during the pandemic. The county reports 2,806 COVID-19 patients have been hospitalized during the pandemic, including 55 currently in the hospital and 24 in ICU. The county reports that 19,893 COVID patients have recovered.

10/2 updates:

5:24 p.m. - Nueces County officials report no new COVID-19 deaths and 90 cases on Friday, pushing the pandemic-wide COVID case total to 20,661. The county reports that 2,806 patients have been hospitalized, including 66 currently in the hospital on Friday and 32 of those in ICU. Nueces County reports a total of 19,893 COVID patients have recovered.

The county's pandemic-wide COVID-19 fatality total is 419.

10/1 updates:

4:47 p.m. - Nueces County officials report 30 new COVID-19 cases, pushing the pandemic-wide local total of cases to 20,571. The county reports that 2,806 patients have been hospitalized during the pandemic, including 68 of those currently in the hospital and 32 of those in ICU. A total of 19,855 COVID patients have recovered.

4:10 p.m. - Nueces County officials report two new local COVID-19 related deaths, pushing the county's pandemic-wide total to 419. The patients were two males with ages ranging in their 50s and 60s.

10:00 a.m. - Bee county reports four new COVID-19 cases. That brings their total of cases to 1,817. Of those cases 1226 are community cases, 591 are inmates.

9/30 updates:

5:05 p.m. - Nueces County officials report no new local COVID-19 related deaths and seven new COVID cases on Wednesday. The county's COVID fatality total remains at 417 and it now has 20,541 confirmed COVID cases.

9/29 updates:

4:56 p.m. - Nueces County officials report one new local COVID-19 related death and 62 new COVID cases on Tuesday. It pushes the pandemic-wide total to 417 deaths and 20,534 total cases. The fatality was a female in her 80s. Her comorbidity included hypertension.

During the pandemic, there have been 2,642 COVID patients who have been hospitalized, including 70 currently in the hospital and 29 of those in ICU. The county reports that 19,725 local COVID cases have recovered.

9/28 updates:

6:01 p.m. - Live Oak County now has a total of 429 COVID cases. And out of these cases, 213 of them are FCI inmates and the remaining 216 are citizens.

5:55 p.m. - Jim Wells County reports one new case, a female whose age is between 20-29.

5:36 p.m. - Refugio County officials have received notification of two new Positive COVID-19 cases in the county. One is a man in his 30's and is currently isolated The other is a female in her 60's who is also currently isolated. Refugio County has four active cases, 289 patients who have recovered and 14 fatalities during the pandemic.

4:08 p.m. - Nueces County officials have announced three new COVID-related deaths on Monday, pushing the pandemic-wide local total to 416. The patients were a male and two females with ages ranging in their 70s and 80s (for two). The comorbidities of the patients included hypertension and diabetes.

3:40 p.m. - Free mobile COVID-19 testing will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds in Robstown.

Testing will be first-come, first-serve. The COVID-19 Mobile Test Collection is free and available to all Nueces County residents and neighboring areas.

Testing will be conducted by the mouth swap, with results received in less than five days and emailed to those who are tested.

The mobile COVID-19 Testing conducted by Nueces County and National Guard.

9/27 updates:

4:52 p.m. - Nueces County officials announced six new local COVID-related cases on Sunday. It pushes the county's pandemic-wide COVID total to 20,462.

County officials also announced 71 COVID patients currently are in the hospital, including 28 of those in ICU. A total of 2,642 local COVID patients have been hospitalized. And 19,588 local COVID patients have recovered during the pandemic.

4:12 p.m. - Nueces County officials announced one new local COVID-related death on Sunday, boosting the local pandemic-wide total to 413. The patient was a male in his 80s whose comorbidities included coronary artery disease and hypertension.


Read last week's coronavirus live bloghere.