

Area Agency on Aging of the Coastal Bend receive federal funds

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CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS — Recently Governor Greg Abbott announced that the Texas Health and Human Services Commission will receive close to $54 million to support older Texans and people with disabilities during the COVID-19 response.

The funding will be used to support programs and services administered by the state’s 28 Area Agencies on Aging.

“There is never a good time for a disaster, but when there is one that comes or hits our community, then we are here to provide the assistance to the elderly and disabled population, and whatever their needs may be,” said AAA/ADRC Director Viola Monrreal.

This funding will help assist the elderly and disabled with grocery and meal delivery and help with household chores and relief for family caregivers.

“And that can vary from meals to add additional money and supplement the meals program. That can be for services such as the ombudsman program, additional funding for that; it could be for food baskets, financial assistance, which can be things such as rental assistance and utility assistance,” said Monrreal.

The nearly $54 million in funds through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic (CARES) Act will also be used to support long-term care.

“There is a lot of elderly and disabled in our community. Everyone is getting older, and the population is just headed in that direction. So services and the need have increased over the years, and we will continue to do so,” said Monrreal.

These federal funds will help provide higher risk Texans with additional support and resources to meet their everyday needs while allowing them to stay at home and stay safe.

These programs with the Area Agency on Aging of the Coastal Bend are free of charge to the elderly and disabled.

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