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Progress in removal of barges along Ocean Drive


We have an update on the barge and sunken tugboats that have been in the bay for more than a month now.

One of the tugboats is out of the water and on the barge.

We’ll have our photographer zoom in on it.

This is the first real progress we’ve seen since recovery efforts started.

Earlier today, we saw workers on the barge carrying hoses and hooking them up to the tug.

It looked like they were setting up a system to pump water out of the tugboat. It was originally sent to help guide the barge out of the bay, but it sank.

Another tug sent to help also took on water and had to stop nearby.

The man responsible for the barge told the Coast Guard and General Land Office he’d have them out of the water weeks ago.

The problem is, every agency we’ve talked to says they’re not responsible for getting these vessels out of the bay.

That includes the General Land Office and the Coast Guard.

Even the mayor has told us he doesn’t think the city has any jurisdiction.

Despite that, he asked the folks in the Parks & Rec Department to see if there’s anything they could do.