You’ve probably noticed swarms of mosquitoes after all the rain we’ve had recently.
But mosquitoes aren’t the only critters creating a buzz.
Right now is also swarming season for Africanized honey bees.
According to Vector Control, swarming season begins in April and lasts until July with the peak period right now.
Today we’re talking with the Nueces County ESD No. 2, who reports they are seeing an increase in bee sting calls.
One of those calls they’ve responded to was an elderly man in Flour Bluff.
We’ll hear from that victim as well who says he was stung more than 100 times.
We’ll have more on this and also how to protect yourself later today on KRIS 6 News.
Earlier this week, a man cutting grass behind Moravian Hall was attacked by a swarm and stung about 30 times.
Vector control officials say bees are more active because this is their mating season… and swarms are on the move looking for new places to build hives.
That’s why it’s always a good idea to check around your property for bees before doing yard work.