If you plan on going out and about this summer; remember there are pests who may want to come home with you.
Dr. Robert Perkins from the Tejas Veterinary Clinic said, “every once in a while there’s going to be some fleas in your yard that you can carry into your animal, like on your socks. They hit ya right on you, then jump on your pets.:”
Dr. Perkins adds, “the number one thing we see are itching dogs. And fleas and ticks are a big component in that.”
Fleas and ticks can carry numerous diseases that not only can harm your furry friends but also yourself.
Dr. Dante Gonzalez, from the Corpus Christi Health Department tells us, “in Nueces County we do have an issue with Typhus. So Typhus is a disease that comes from a bacteria from a bite of a flea.”
Dr. Gomzalez also says that typically the flea will start on a rodent where it contracts bacteria, then latches onto your pet…then eventually finds its way to you.
“A lot of people don’t know this but for every flea you see on your dog, there’s about 100 in the environment somewhere,” said Dr. Perkins
Dr. Gonzalez says the best way to prevent a flea or tick bite this summer, “follow all precautions with any sort of insect use insect repellent that is FDA approved, if it has deet that’s probably the best one you can use.”