A local non profit, Majesty Outdoors, is taking the lead in changing the tide on the fatherless epidemic. A national organization with chapters all over the country, Majesty Outdoors takes the time to connect with a child of any age who may not have a father currently present in their life.
Free and open to any child, Majesty Outdoors uses outdoor activities like kayaking, fishing, hunting and other hands on activities to create a relationship with a child.
Their mentor program, TideChangers, gives children the chance to experience things they never have before while teaching kids certain life lessons.
KRIS 6 got a chance to see just how the TideChangers program works first hand. A few lucky kids got to take a sneak peak into the interesting birds that The Raptor Project’s, Jonathan Wood uses for his shows.
Majesty Outdoors is looking for TideChanger Chapters in other places across America. If you’re interest and want more information:
Tonight’s event:
Real Life Church (Flour Bluff Dr)
5:30 p.m.
Special Guest: Jonathan Wood, The Raptor Project
Open and free to anyone
Event info: https://m.facebook.com/MajestyOutdoors/