This weekend at the ARK – the Animal Rehabilitation Keep in Port Aransas – is holding a fundraiser in memory of Tony Amos.
It’s called “Tony’s Trash to Treasures Garage Sale.” It will be from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday at Roberts Point Park in Port Aransas.
Amos is recognized for spending 40 years studying the birds and animals of our coastline and man’s impact on their habitats.
Amos passed away last September after a battle with cancer.
Amos loved to survey the coast for interesting items like floats, unique bottles or duck decoys.
These items will be up for sale this weekend.
Proceeds from the garage sale go directly to the ark, which he founded.
“So Tony Amos started the ark and he started doing these beach sales to raise money,” Alicia Walker said. “So we’re kind of continuing that tradition in his honor.”