It is almost time to welcome a new Chick-Fil-A Restaurant to Corpus Christi, specifically the south side of town. The restaurant is set to open next Thursday, July 12, at 5929 Saratoga Blvd.
To celebrate the opening, the store is hosting a First 100 Campout Giveaway. Each of the First 100 Participants at the Grand Opening of the Chick-fil-A, who comply with the official rules, will receive a grand prize of Chick-Fila-A for an entire year.
Those who wish to participate should arrive at the restaurant between 5:30 a.m. and 6 a.m. the day before the grand opening. Participants must show a valid ID with a zip code listed below.
The official rules:
Chick-Fil-A for a year consists of one Chick-fil-A Sandwich Meal per week for a year (52 meals). A Chick-fil-A Sandwich Meal consists of a Chick-fil-A® Chicken Sandwich, medium Waffle Potato Fries and a medium drink.
Also, all participants and are asked to bring a new or gently used book for a children’s book drive being held at the restaurant for the Grand Opening.