Staff at Physicians Premier say it was a busy weekend for them and they believe it’s due to the Saharan dust and one of the symptoms that were unusual to see? Migraines.
"We’ve had some patients come in with some new symptoms that they’ve never had before such as migraines and things like that." Dr. James Grieme, Emergency Medicine Physician at Physicians Premier said.
Migraines, upper respiratory complaints, fatigue, and dehydration are just some of the symptoms doctors and nurses saw in patients over the weekend.
"We kind of had to be a little bit more astute and kind of figure out why all these people are coming in with these sort of complaints," said Dr. Grieme.
And it didn’t take long for doctors and nurses to realize the influx of patients over the weekend was likely due to the Saharan dust that blew in late last week.
"They’ve done studies on what’s in this dust and they found there are some bacteria, some fungi and some other things that can cause inflammation of the airways." Dr. Grieme added.
And getting medicines going is crucial, even if you can’t make it to your doctor that cruddy feeling will also stick around for about a week.
Dr. Grieme recommends anything like Benadryl, Diphenhydramine, Allegra, Zyrtec, nasal steroids like Flonase and Sudafed.