

CCISD officials plan to demolish Cullen Middle School


The district is planning to hold onto the old Cullen Middle School.

As we’ve reported, the school was closed in May because fewer students lived in the area. Plus, the campus has an outdoor concept, which means it is open and has several wings, which is no longer considered safe.

So, students and teachers, there are being moved to Haas Middle School, which is a secure campus, this upcoming school year.

Dr. Roland Hernandez, the Superintendent of the Corpus Christi Independent School District, says they plan to demolish Cullen Middle School later this year.

They’re not sure what they plan to do with the property. Dr. Hernandez says,"We look at those kinds of things when we start talking about future bond elections whether it could be a future site of a new elementary school perhaps in the future."

"We still have some current elementary that we need to address and they still have that outdoor concept," Dr. Hernandez concluded.

Dr. Hernandez says the district doesn’t plan to sell Cullen. In fact, the district hasn’t sold the properties of other campuses it’s closed.

Dr. Hernandez added,"We don’t want them to become hangouts where there could be any vandalism and crime. Several months down the road, we’ll move fast to demolish those buildings and we’ve done that with all of them that we’ve consolidated."