

Local travel agency weighs in on visiting Hawaii

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Hawaii is a prime spot for vacationers looking to get away during the summer. Although recently, the Kiluea Volcano has left many worried about their trip to the big island.

The good news — the staff at Sanborn’s Travel, a cruise and travel agency in Corpus Christi, says don’t let the fears of the volcano ruin a summer vacation.

Mark Johnstone, the president of Sanborn’s Travel says clients have called to voice their concerns about the air quality and air travel in the area, but there is no reason to worry.?

"Anything that would come up that we feel like would be hazardous to a client, we would certainly inform them if they’re booked," Johnstone said.

Johnstone says Sanborn’s Travel has direct communication with the Hawaii Tourist Bureau and hotels on the island.

"They are feeding us information continuously on the conditions there," Johnstone said. "And letting us know that flights are operating on time, all the tourist activities are open and operating, and that there should be no real concern."

There is no concern for travelers because the volcanic ash and lava flow is isolated to only one island, about a 12-mile radius around the volcano.

However there is a concern for people who live in the area. Many people were forced to evacuate their homes in the path of the lava, meanwhile many others are still stranded.

In July, Ashley Perez, a Corpus Christi resident, will be traveling to Hawaii for a week-long vacation. Perez will be flying to Oahu, so she says thankfully her vacation isn’t impacted by the Kiluea volcano.

"I just feel bad for the residents just because with no power, no electricity, no water," Perez said. "Everything is cut off," she added.

Since the volcano began erupting May, Perez has been keeping an eye on the news, and staying informed about the dangers in the area. She says, she hopes others are too.

"So I would hope they research a lot before going, especially on the big island," Perez said. "That’s what it’s known for — the active volcano."

Sanborn’s Travel says cancelling a trip to Hawaii is an option if people are concerned about their safety. The agency will work with customers to get a refund, or to try to book a trip somewhere else.