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Birdiest Festival to include David Sibley appearance

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The ‘Birdiest Festival in America’ is back for its fourth year, and organizers say this will be the best one yet!

Based at the South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center (8545 S. Staples St.), the April 22-26 gathering will combine an amazing spring migration in perhaps the busiest flyway in the country with field trips to famous South Texas ranches and other Gulf Coast hot spots, and a globally known keynote speaker.

David Allen Sibley, author and illustrator of The Sibley Guide to Birds, will present “The Art of Identification” on Friday, April 24 at the Emerald Beach Hotel.

Sibley began drawing birds at the age of 7 as a way of exploring nature, and now his guides contain over 6,600 original illustrations. He is recognized as America's leading ornithologist/illustrator.

This year’s festival includes 17 different trips (one lead by David Sibley), eight Jonathan Wood Raptor Project shows, six presentations, three different bird walks, and two workshops. There will also be a Vendor Trade Show, artisan booths, a Family Fun Day, and – new this year – a four-day Rio Grande Valley post-trip (limited to eight participants).

To register for this year’s event, go to www.birdiestfestival.com, where you will also find a complete schedule.

Visit the website of the South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center at www.stxbot.org or call (361) 852-2100.