CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Two big events are upcoming that will benefit CASA of the Coastal Bend.
Samantha Koeff-Stemplinger of CASA discusses the festivities with KRIS 6 News Noon Anchor Mike Gillaspia to discuss the festivities.
The Grub Burger Bar Giveback will provide a portion of the sales during the event to CASA.
It will take place from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday at Grub Burger Bar, 4902 E. Staples.
And Braselton Homes will present “A Forever Kids Braselton CASA” children's playhouse up for raffle during the upcoming Parade of Homes. The raffle will continue through through Sunday at the Braselton model home at 8010 Fort Griffen. It is No. 16 in the Parade Homes in the Rancho Vista subdivision.
Raffle tickets are available to win the unique playhouse.
For more information on both events, check out CASA’s website.