CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — This is one of the organization’s biggest fundraisers and this year, due to COVID-19, it has gone virtual.
Submit your photos here:
The Superhero 5K started on Saturday but continues through Aug. 29.
The event has been CASA’s main fundraising event for the past 15 years and while it is different this year, what remains the same is that through the support of sponsors and participants CASA will be able to further their mission of providing voices and caring hearts to advocate for the needs and futures of Coastal Bend children in foster care.
Here's how the virtual 5K works: During the designated race dates, participants will complete a distance of 3.10 miles then submit a screenshot of their results from a fitness app of their choice with their name, age and gender to
The Superhero 5K run/walk can be completed in your own neighborhood, on your favorite running trail, at the park, or even on the treadmill.
For event and registration information visit: