

Free game 6 watch party on the big screen at Whataburger Field

and last updated

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Astros fans are invited to Whataburger Field this Tuesday night to watch game 6 of the playoff series between the Houston Astros and Washington Nationals.

Game 6 of the series is on Oct. 29.

The event is totally free, and guests are encouraged to bring blankets, baseballs, and gloves to sit on the field or even play catch.

The first pitch in game 6 of the series is scheduled for 7:08 pm but the gates open at 6 pm. Whataburger Field is located at 734 E. Port Ave., Corpus Christi, Texas 78401.

The game will be playing on the big screens and there will be concessions for purchase with Cheniere Champions Club access, and some Astros championship gear and jerseys will be available for purchase.

More information can be found here.