Ask those who frequent community theater and they will likely tell you that summer means two things: Popcorn and Melodrama!
Once again, the Harbor Playhouse is on board with that belief, and is presenting “Madness in the Moonlight” by Joe Middendorf, now through July 7.
The show is set in the summer of 1898 when the devious Doctor Dracko and his cohorts arrive in Corpus Christi to create a monster named Bob from the anatomical parts of deceased local citizenry. Madness and mayhem ensue until the hero, Young Doctor Noble, finally foils their perverse plot and saves the day.
Do not miss your chance to cheer for the hero, boo the villain, and throw as much popcorn as you like!
The cast showcases fifteen members of the community and will be the second melodrama to take place in the Zarsky Studio Theater (1802 N. Chaparral).
Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for students/military/seniors and $10 for children and can be obtained by calling (361) 888-7469 or visiting
Showtimes are Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday June 23, 30, and July 7 at 2:30 p.m.