

CASA comes out swinging for Coastal Bend kids

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CASA of the Coastal Bend is getting ready for their Third Annual Caddies for Kiddos Golf Tournament.

Hosted by Northshore Country Club (801 Broadway in Portland), the fundraiser will take place on Friday, Sept. 28. Teams of four will play the 18-hole course, with a shotgun start at 8 a.m.

Prizes will be given for the ball hit closest to the pin and for the longest drive.

CASA of the Coastal Bend will use the proceeds from the event to help with the training and support of volunteers who advocate for the best interest of children in foster care.

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is a non-profit organization serving Nueces, San Patricio and Aransas Counties. CASA volunteers stand up in court and become a voice for children who have been neglected and/or suffered emotional, physical or sexual abuse.

CASA’s work typically cuts in half the amount of time children spend in foster care.

For Team Entry and Sponsorship information for the Caddies for Kiddos Golf Tournament, visit or contact Bert Quintanilla at (361) 884-2272 or