

YWCA to help mark Equal Pay Day for Women

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Equal Pay Day for Women is an annual nationwide recognition held in April. It will be marked locally at a gathering organized, in part, by the YWCA.

The April date symbolizes how far into the year women need to work to make what men did in the previous year.

The numbers in Texas are telling, where women average only 79 cents for every dollar men earn in the same job, according to The National Partnership for Women & Families.

Among women here in the Lone Star State who hold fulltime, year-round jobs, black women are paid 58 cents, Latinas are paid 44 cents and Asian women are paid 80 cents for every dollar paid to their Anglo male counterparts.

Dr. John Cicala, Associate Professor at Texas A&M-Kingsville and Director of the Center for Negotiation, will present "Workplace Negotiation Skills for Women" at the First United Methodist Church (900 S. Shoreline) beginning at 11:30 AM on Tuesday, April 10th.

The cost is $5 for women and — appropriately enough — $6.05 for men, with lunch included. Everyone is encouraged to wear red.

The deadline to register in Thursday, April 5th. The first 100 women to do so will revive a free shoulder bag.?

To learn more and to register for the event, visit